
  1. Log in to the dashboard and navigate to the “contacts” page.
  2. Select “all leads” by clicking on the option that appears when more than 20 or 100 contacts are displayed.
  3. Choose a certain group of contacts or use a filter to select a specific set of patients.
  4. Click on "Send SMS."
  5. A prompt will appear, stating that the actions will be performed over a period of time. Click "OK, proceed."
  6. Type in the message in the text box. Use the tag icon on the left to personalize the message with the patient's "first name" or other data fields.
  7. If needed, schedule the message to be sent out later or have it sent all at once.
  8. Name the message for easy reference and click "Send SMS."
  9. A prompt will confirm that the message has been scheduled.
  10. Click "OK,” and your message will send!